Blockchain and Peace Engineering and its Relationship to Engineering Education.
Sahonero-Alvarez, Guillermo
Hoy traemos a este espacio este artículo de Sahonero-Alvarez, Guillermo del Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en Ingeniería Mecatrónica Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” La Paz, Bolivia, titulado “Blockchain and Peace Engineering and its Relationship to Engineering Education.”.
Abstract — Peace engineering implies taking positive and proactive actions to promote peace and justice. Blockchain, on the other hand, is a distributed sequence of blocks which acts like a public ledger. Motivations to develop blockchain based systems are usually related to transparency and trust. Inherently, blockchain ideals relate to peace engineering because of the way users can manage information globally: transparently and confidently. Application of blockchain in higher education may represent a fundamental change in the way professors deliver contents, manage courses, and even assess student work. Moreover, higher education institutions can find blockchain useful as it has the potential to change the way of providing certifications and the way knowledge is managed, produced, and shared. In this work, we review previous works that address blockchain implementation in higher education highlighting implementation advantages and possible disadvantages. Additionally, we explore further potential applications of smart contracts as a tool in blockchain based approaches to enhance engineering education programs.